Friday, March 27, 2020

March 2020 Newsletter #2

This Issue:
Pandemic Protective Masks
My Latest OST Article
Planning for After the Pandemic

Dr. Rima: We Have Bulk Protective Masks

Everyone is worried about COVID-19 and every company is impacted by it. And we all want to help.  Dr. Rima has sourced bulk amounts of protective masks.  If you know institutional buyers, now is the time to let them know.

Here is the link:

The web page includes a product brochure with full details.

And this link to my earlier March newsletter with an important article about Emergency SOP with Working Remotely provision:

My latest article on Open Source Truth:


While you are working from home it's time to plan your post-pandemic come-back.  It may help your planning if you consider your dietary supplement consumer's expressed interests.

2019 Worldwide supplement survey highlights key consumer trends - 25-Mar-2020 By Danielle Masterson

Glanbia Nutritionals surveyed users from across the globe to better understand consumer motive, usage, and knowledge gaps. US, UK and China consumers who used vitamins regularly.

US users listed top reasons to purchase:

55% - General Health
37% - Heart Health
32% - Healthy Aging
23% - Mental Health

In the 18 - 34 age demographic brain/cognitive health a top concern; 55 - 70 group: healthy aging and sleep support

Top vitamins used worldwide: C, D and Calcium; Q10, K2, choline and biotin had high consumer interest

Now that's some food for thought... or thoughts about nutrient foods. You get it.  Plan from data.

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