Monday, July 6, 2009

07/06/09 - Confusion reigns in cosmeceutical name game

0.  Blog & News - Self-Shielding is going viral…
1.  Confusion reigns in cosmeceutical name game
2.  New Webinar - July 9, 2009 – The Ministry and Alt Practices
3.  Webinar Archives

0. Blog & News –

Follow me on Twitter - www.

Self-Shielding White Paper and Action Item
www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2752

Gen Bert on Freedom for Independence Day
vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot. com/2009/07/gen-stubblebine-on-freedom-for.html

[Please note: all URLs in this memo are "broken" with spaces inserted after the www. to avoid the memo being treated as "spam" by certain email service providers.]


1.  Confusion reigns in cosmeceutical name game

The article below highlights some of the changes facing the natural products industry, as more creative products "cross the lines" created by bureaucracy.

In a normally functioning market, the market would set product categories based on consumer desires, and thereby greater social utility would evolve, as independent actors in the market competed for consumer loyalty.

However, in a bureaucratized market, the "soft fascism" that Dr. Ron Paul so eloquently warns us against, whether, for example, your product is "ingested" or taken into the body some other way (sublingually, transdermally...) will determine whether it is a dietary supplement, even though in reality, the nutrient benefits the normal structure and function of the body no matter how it is delivered. Similarly, whether a substance is a nutrient, a cosmetic or a drug, will depend on how you sell it and what your "intent" is, not what the market wants. Such interventions tend to reduce consumer satisfaction and reduce overall social utility, thereby reducing all our prosperity.

So what do you sell?

www. nutraingredients. com/Industry/Confusion-reigns-in-cosmeceutical-name-game/?c=gbrnO2ewSG1xi7WszuqLDQ%3D%3D&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter%2BDaily

29-Jun-2009 – “The term cosmeceutical has always been controversial, but the blurring boundaries between the worlds of nutrition and cosmetics are highlighting divisions that neither industry can ignore. Ingestible products with cosmetic benefits are an emerging product category for both the nutritional and the cosmetics industries.

“Beauty yoghurts, anti-wrinkle drinks, and skin care supplements are all part of a market expected to be worth $2.5bn by 2012, according to market research company Kline.

“However, the industries don’t seem to agree on what to call this emerging product category. For the healthy foods and supplements industry these products fall under the term cosmeceuticals, which for the cosmetics industry means something quite different.
“As these industries begin to work together to take advantage of this growing market, there is a dire need for some clear definitions.

“Click here to read full comment from our sister publications for the cosmetics industry, www. cosmeticsdesign. com/ and .”


2. Natural Solutions Vital Connection Webinars with The Vitamin Lawyer

New Webinar:  Thursday July 9, 2009 - 6 PM MT (4 PM EDT): Your Ministry, the Law and Alternative Practices - A PowerPoint discussion with Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD about advanced health care practices, the ministry and the law.  Includes eBook

Vital Connection University’s new webinar system is up and running. Here is how you can sign up under the new VC system:

www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2002
(this page links to

Once at Vital University, at the top right you will find the Student Login.
Once you’re on that screen, take the steps to create a New Student Account.

Once created, login and browse through the Live Upcoming Courses or check out the Recorded Courses and you will find the ones that we have done in the past and the new webinar as well.

3. Webinar Archives [follow instructions above to reach these]  

A. CAM Advanced Healthcare Practitioner SOPs

Held: May 6, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

You can see my short introductory YouTube video at:
vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot. com/2009/02/webinar-announcement-ethical-legal.html

B. Bringing New Natural Products to Market

Held: May 10, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

What does it take to bring a new natural product to market? This webinar will cover the pitfalls and requirements. Especially in the current market, you need to do everything right to have a success… includes a useful eBook and a private forum for additional communications.

Sign up through link at: www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2002 – go to “How to Sign-up”

"Your papers must be in order."

Are your ingredients "grandfathered" under DSHEA?
Have you filed your Structure and Function Claims Notices?
Do you have your SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
Is your web site Site Use Statement up-to-date?
Is your Substantiation Notebook ready?

Your papers need to be in order before the FDA inspection!

C. Sustainable IRA

Held: Saturday June 13, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

Sustainable Retirement Capacity - Protecting the Environment AND Your IRA/401 – At the Same Time! The Foundation Trustees lead you through an interesting slide presentation that will help you make important decisions about where you want to be in the event conditions in the US continue to deteriorate. Free Webinar ($25 donation suggested).  With eBook.

Direct IRA link: www. Vitalconnectionuniversity .com/moodle/course/view.php?id=95

Each Webinar includes its own useful eBook of forms and other information that will help you better organize (includes full powerpoint presentation text and resources). The new webinar system will also include Vital Connection forums specific to the participants in the webinar.


Ralph Fucetola JD
www .vitaminlawyer .com
http:// vitaminlawyerarchives .blogspot .com

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