Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Review GMP Documents and Records

Review GMP Personnel, Training & Hygiene

Review GMP Physical Plant and Grounds

Review GMP Equipment, Utensils & Instrumentation

Review GMP Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Review GMP Components, Packaging and Labeling

Review GMP Lot Control, Tracking and Traceability

Review GMP Master Manufacturing and Batch Production Records

Review GMP Specifications, Testing and Finished Product Release

Review GMP Laboratory Operations

Review GMP Investigations, Non-Conforming Products and CPA (Corrective and Preventative Actions)

Review GMP Holding and Distribution

Review GMP Product Complaints

Report GMP Close-Out, Report and Follow-up


MoCRA: Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 Deadlines

SOPs Consistent with MoCRA Now Available at discount!

Email with "MoCRA SOPs" in Subject Line
Yes, you must have SOPs for your Cosmetic Products…

Last year Congress adopted the first comprehensive amendment to the cosmetic laws since 1938. The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 — MoCRA — empowers FDA by making mandatory various previously ‘voluntary’ requirements for cosmetics sold to Americans.  In summary:

  • Mandatory facility and product registration

  • Adherence to cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)

  • Adverse event reporting

  • Safety substantiation

  • Additional labeling requirements

  • New enforcement powers and records access for FDA

The new law goes into effect on December 29, 2023.  FDA expects to have an online registration system by then.  I will be working closely with my clients to make sure their cosmetic products meet the new standards.

Once MoCRA takes effect registration will no longer be voluntary but will be required for every cosmetics manufacturing facility, regardless of where it is located.

FDA defines cosmetics at “Is It a Cosmetic, a Drug, or Both? (Or Is It Soap?)”

“…by their intended use, as "articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise applied to the human body...for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance" [FD&C Act, sec. 201(i)]. Among the products included in this definition are skin moisturizers, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail polishes, eye and facial makeup preparations, cleansing shampoos, permanent waves, hair colors, and deodorants, as well as any substance intended for use as a component of a cosmetic product. “

Email me at with “Cosmetics” in the subject line to get started. Each of your cosmetic products must be registered.  This is immediately important for all cosmetic-label-owners and for manufacturing facilities that handle cosmetics.

See also:

Additional Notes:

1. All cosmetic products will have to register with FDA, providing:

Place of manufacture 

Product category

Ingredients (fragrances, flavors & colors)

FDA will assign a product listing number.

2. FDA will propose a Good Manufacturing Practices rule within 2 years.

3. Adverse Event Reporting, defining AER:

“death, a life-threatening experience, inpatient hospitalization, persistent or significant disability or incapacity, congenital anomaly or birth defect, infection, significant disfigurement (serious or persistent rashes, second or third degree burns, hair loss, or persistent or significant alteration of appearance), or an event which requires medical intervention to prevent the health outcomes listed above.”

4.  FDA web page about MoCRA:

5. FDA Cosmetic GMP Guidance:

6.  FDA MoCRA site:

The Super Patch Opportunity

You know Opportunity Knocks… but you have to answer.  

Dr. Rima is recommending the Super Patch, a unique method for communicating what your brain needs to achieve and maintain homeostasis.  This is not a nutrient patch. Rather, it is a data patch, set with unique patterns that act as biofeedback triggers.

And better yet, the Super Patch is a multilevel program that you can leverage to your customer base, building residual income.  It’s up to you.

Here is Dr. Rima on the Super Patch: — the link to our Super Patch site is there.

“One of the great mysteries of science is how we know what we know, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, intuitively and physically.  If I write a number “8” on your skin when your eyes are closed, how does your brain figure out what it is? If I touch you kindly, how do you know my intention if you do not see or hear me? How do we feel pain and what determines how we respond to it? How do we differentiate between pain and pleasure and how do we know that we know anything at all? . . .

They showed, for example, that known and verified markers of wellbeing and longevity like mobility, flexibility and balance could improve dramatically when people used their Liberty Super Patch. And the results can be immediate, as indicated by research MRI scans.  They showed that athletic performance in every one of the many areas studied often increased by around 18% after this technology was placed in contact with the skin. The patches appear to act as a type of biofeedback, communicating with the brain.”

Read more here:

Opportunity knocks… give me a call:  732.619.1568