Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Quality Control Contract / Scholars Conference

Quality Control Contract / Claims Research
Scholar's Conference Paper
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July 2019 Vitamin Consultancy Newsletter
Ralph Fucetola JD Presenting at the
Libertarian Scholars Conference

   I will be presenting a paper at the newly revived Libertarian Scholars Conference this September.  The LSC was a regular feature of the libertarian world during the 1970s - 1990s, held at least annually in New York City or Princeton.  Mises Institute has revived the tradition with a conference to be held in New York City.  Let me know if you are planning on attending.  My paper will be on Informed Consent.

I've recently developed a 3-page Quality Control Contract for your contract manufacturer, to go along with the ten paragraph GMP terms that can be attached to your Purchase Orders to your contract manufacturer (found in the Appendix to my standard SOPs), so your company can be "in a state of control" of the process, as required by the FDA.  If you need this contract format please contact me.  I will prepare the format for your company for a half hour fee; retainer clients, just ask and it shall be done.

Dr. Robert Goodman and I have partnered with the Institute for Health Research to support research into natural products and their benefits. The Institute was founded in 1998 and sponsors an online Journal and an IRB system. 

Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversight is an essential requirement for valid, publishable research.

Dr. Goodman and I have also created a website to support product safety. We provide professional safety dossier services as well as California Proposition 65 compliance oversight. Site:

A unique feature of our institutional review board structure is that Dr. Goodman and I guide the principal researcher in the development of a compliant Research Protocol and research description that meet standards required for the publication of the research.

Dr. Goodman and I can schedule a limited number of introductory consultations to determine company needs.

Please call me at (973.300.4594) to schedule time for you. Institute web site:
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