Friday, August 18, 2017

Three New Vitamin Consultancy Videos

Three New Videos Updating Regulations
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3 Vitamin Consultancy Videos

My summer blockbusters will help preserve your natural product business.  Three videos -- two of which are my gift to you for being on this email list -- are Continuing Education (CEs) for the natural products industry.

The first features Robert Goodman PhD and me talking about our Cosmetic Safety Dossier service. In both the US and the EU third party safety certifications are an important part of successful cosmetics marketing. You can see the video on the CSD web site; click here:

The second is my explanation of the new OPS -- the Operating Procedures System -- which makes it simple to use your company's SOPs to actually run the business efficiently and in compliance with FDA requirements. This training video will be added to the Vitamin Consultancy Webinar system, but here it is for you now, gratis. Click here:

The third is my new Webinar on Quality Control The 26 slide presentation covers both FDA QC requirements and the qualifications needed for your QC Manager. Don't have a QCM? You need to watch this video. If you are the person who acts as QCM in your company, you need to watch it even moreso! Please email me for access: with QC Webinar in the subject line.

Have a great balance of the summer... winter holiday marketing starts soon!

ralph ...
Ralph Fucetola JD