Sunday, August 28, 2016

Welcome to the New Vitamin Consultancy eLetter

New eLetter Archive here:

This newsletter copy:

The August 2016 eLetter

Welcome to the New Vitamin Consultancy eLetter

If you've received this email you are on my personal list. Since I imported this list from the email system my new MailChimp account replaces, I may have accidentally included emails of people who do not want to be on this list. If that is the case, please accept my apologies and just Reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.

My intent is to send out about one newsletter monthly, focusing on information that may be of special value to start-up companies in the natural product market.

Here is the archive covering nearly a decade of my newsletters:

But let's start with a blog posting from earlier this month, entitled "Vitamin War Stories." We all have our war stories. I hope you find these informative, or at least entertaining.

"[Recently traded some "Vitamin War" stories with some Vitamin Pioneers and it was suggested that I write out some of my stories, so, here are a few...]
I was 24 in 1969, in the middle of law school (I had graduated from Rutgers College, BA with Distinction and was then attending Rutgers Law School, earning my JD). 
That’s when I met future best-selling authors Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw (the 1980s Life Extension books). My future wife Kathy Greene and I became part of Pearson/Shaw’s informal nutrient experiment group..."

Here is the link:

Have a great Labor Day holiday. I'll be here when you start your Fall/Winter marketing...


Ralph ...