Friday, June 12, 2009

06/12/09 - Govt Intervening in Vitamin Industry

0.  News  -  Self-Quarantine / Self-Shielding
1.  Majority Willing to Spend More on Nutrition
2.  Multivitamins linked to 25 percent of supplement AERs
3.  FDA Goes After Bayer…
4.  FDA: “H1N1: No Natural Remedy Claims!”
5.  Webinar Series Archives

0. Blog News –

Insider Information: Google Search gives special attention to web pages that have videos embedded in the page; it is easy to embed YouTube videos in web pages (see the example in the HFUSA link  in item 5 below).

Follow me on Twitter - www.

Self-Quarantine / Self-Shielding White Paper and Action Item
www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2752

[Please note: all URLs in this memo are "broken" with spaces inserted after the www. to avoid the memo being treated as "spam" by certain email service providers.]


1. Majority Willing to Spend More on Nutrition


By Lorraine Heller, 17-Jun-2009

Over half of Americans are willing to spend more on healthier versions of food, but price remains a barrier for some, according to a new online survey.

Commissioned by the United Soybean Board and conducted by an independent research firm, the survey found that most people who do not opt for healthier food are still interested in nutrition but cannot deal with the heftier price tag.

Consumer Attitudes about Nutrition 2009 has a strong focus on the nutritional benefits of soy – presented as a “budget-friendly” health food – but it also reveals some useful general statistics about consumer shopping behavior.

The latest study, which is the 16th annual report of its kind, includes 1,009 random online surveys conducted in January 2009, selected to provide a sample representative of the US population…

The survey findings, released yesterday, reveal that 54 percent of Americans will spend more on healthier products. Of those that do not opt for the healthier versions, the majority (52 percent) say the obstacle is financial, suggesting that a lack of interest in nutrition is not always the case.

Some 87 percent of respondents said they were concerned about the nutritional content of the food they eat. In addition, 88 percent said they consider nutrition important when purchasing foods at the grocery store.


2. Multivitamins linked to 25 percent of supplement AERs


By Lorraine Heller, 16-Jun-2009

“Multivitamins and minerals were the subject of one quarter of Adverse Event Reports (AERs) filed with FDA in the first six months of last year, but this does not mean that this product category is problematic, says the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA).

The trade group analyzed 598 AERs received by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between January 1 and June 30 2008, which highlighted potential adverse health effects of dietary supplement products.

However, although 25 per cent of these were for mainstream multivitamins and minerals, the findings must not be misinterpreted as identifying this as the most dangerous class of products, said Michael McGuffin, director AHPA.

‘This is not a cause and effect reporting system, it’s an association system. So although a large part of the AERs are linked to multivitamins, this does not mean that they are dangerous. It simply reflects usage patterns, and the most used dietary supplements are multivitamins,’ McGuffin told

The AER reports were obtained by AHPA via Freedom of Information (FOI) requests with FDA. AHPA revealed its analysis of these reports at the recent SupplySide East trade show in Secaucus, New Jersey.

A number of supplement brands or products were repeatedly flagged up in the AERs. The most common single product reports were for:

· Total Body Formula (93 reports)
· Bayer One a Day (all formulas) (81 reports)
· Centrum (all formulas) (25 reports)
· Flintstones Vitamins (all formulas) (24 reports)
· Mainstream calcium products (25 reports)

However, McGuffin again cautioned that this does not implicate these brands or products as being dangerous. It reflects the frequency of reporting by a select number of companies, which have put systematic reporting systems in place, he explained.

Out of the 600 AERs reviewed by AHPA, 44 percent were for combination products, 25 percent were for vitamins and minerals, 10 percent were for ‘other primary ingredients’ products, and 5 percent were for herbals.

The majority (almost 60 percent) of reports had been submitted by companies, while just under a third (30 percent) were submitted by consumers. Around 10 percent were sent in by health professionals.

The majority of cases (73 percent) were female consumers, and 54 percent of reports were for people aged between 50 and 79. Again, this reflects supplement usage, said McGuffin.”

3. FDA Goes After Bayer…


Bayer faces lawsuit for selenium cancer prevention ads
By Lorraine Heller, 18-Jun-2009

“Bayer Healthcare could face a lawsuit in the United States for advertising that its One A Day vitamins could reduce prostate cancer due to their selenium content.

Consumer advocacy Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) today notified Bayer that it will sue the company unless it ceases the ad claims.

Advertisements and labels for Bayer’s One A Day Men’s 50+ Advantage and One A Day Men’s Health Formula multivitamins claim that “emerging research” suggests selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

However, according to CSPI, such claims are deceptive and are not backed by sufficient science.

The group also filed a complaint today with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today, urging them to put a stop to the claims and to require Bayer to run a corrective advertising campaign since its ads have “for so long reinforced the false notion that selenium prevents prostate cancer”.

Selenium is the only mineral that can carry an FDA-approved qualified health claim for general cancer reduction incidence.

The claim reads: ‘Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers. Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive.’”


4. FDA: “H1N1: No Natural Remedy Claims!”


Natural News: Mike Adams
June 18, 2009

“ In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice."

"Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws."

The message is crystal clear: No product may be described as protecting against or preventing H1N1 infections unless it is approved by the FDA. And which products has the FDA approved? Tamiflu (the anti-viral drug that most people will never have access to), and soon the new H1N1 vaccine that's being manufactured at a cost of one billion dollars (paid to Big Pharma by the taxpayers). This vaccine, of course, will be utterly useless because H1N1 will undoubtedly mutate between now and the time the vaccine is ready, rendering the vaccine useless.”


5. Natural Solutions Vital Connection Archived Webinars with The Vitamin Lawyer

Vital Connection University’s new webinar system is up and running. Here is how you can sign up under the new VC system:

www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2002
(this page links to

Once at Vital University, at the top right you will find the Student Login.
Once you’re on that screen, take the steps to create a New Student Account.

Once created, login and browse through the Live Upcoming Courses or check out the Recorded Courses and you will find the ones that we have done in the past, including these:

A. CAM Advanced Healthcare Practitioner SOPs

Held: May 6, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

You can see my short introductory YouTube video at:
vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot. com/2009/02/webinar-announcement-ethical-legal.html

B. Bringing New Natural Products to Market

Held: May 10, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

What does it take to bring a new natural product to market? This webinar will cover the pitfalls and requirements. Especially in the current market, you need to do everything right to have a success… includes a useful eBook and a private forum for additional communications.

Sign up through link at: www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2002 – go to “How to Sign-up”

"Your papers must be in order."

Are your ingredients "grandfathered" under DSHEA?
Have you filed your Structure and Function Claims Notices?
Do you have your SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
Is your web site Site Use Statement up-to-date?
Is your Substantiation Notebook ready?

Your papers need to be in order before the FDA inspection!

C. Sustainable IRA

Held: Saturday June 13, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

Sustainable Retirement Capacity - Protecting the Environment AND Your IRA/401 – At the Same Time! The Foundation Trustees lead you through an interesting slide presentation that will help you make important decisions about where you want to be in the event conditions in the US continue to deteriorate. Free Webinar ($25 donation suggested).  With eBook.

Each Webinar includes its own useful eBook of forms and other information that will help you better organize (includes full powerpoint presentation text and resources). The new webinar system will also include Vital Connection forums specific to the participants in the webinar.


Ralph Fucetola JD
www .vitaminlawyer .com
http:// vitaminlawyerarchives .blogspot .com

06/12/09 - “Pandemic” Level Now 6!

0.  News  -  “PANDEMIC” LEVEL 6
1.  Webinar – Sustainable IRAs – June 13, 2009 – Noon EDT
2.  Webinar Series Archives

0. Blog News –

Yesterday: “Pandemic” Level 6 Declared! Are you prepared?
http:// www. healthfreedomusa. org/?p=2830

Follow me on Twitter -

http:// vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot .com/2009/06/nj-adopts-fake-hemp-reform-no-gain-for.html

[Please note: all URLs in this memo are "broken" with spaces inserted before the .com or .org to avoid the memo being treated as "spam" by AOL and other service providers.]


1. Sustainable IRA

Saturday June 13, 2009 - 10 AM MT (NOON - EDT): Sustainable Retirement Capacity - Protecting the Environment AND Your IRA/401 – At the Same Time! The Foundation Trustees will lead you through an interesting slide presentation that will help you make important decisions about where you want to be in the event conditions in the US continue to deteriorate. Free Webinar ($25 donation suggested). Sunday Webinar, Noon Eastern Time.
Remember: Webinars are lectures you can either participate in when they are given live OR you can “audit the class” at a later time on-line.


2. Natural Solutions Vital Connection Archived Webinars with The Vitamin Lawyer

Vital Connection University’s new webinar system is up and running. Here is how you can sign up under the new VC system:

Go to www. VitalConnectionUniversity .com

At the top right you will find the Student Login.
Once you’re on that screen, take the steps to create a New Student Account.

Once created, login and browse through the Live Upcoming Courses or check out the Recorded Courses and you will find the ones that we have done in the past, including these:

A. CAM Advanced Healthcare Practitioner SOPs

Date: May 6, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

You can see my short introductory YouTube video at:
vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot. com/2009/02/webinar-announcement-ethical-legal.html

B. Bringing New Natural Products to Market

Date: May 10, 2009 – This Webinar is Archived.
(approximately 2 hours)

What does it take to bring a new natural product to market? This webinar will cover the pitfalls and requirements. Especially in the current market, you need to do everything right to have a success… includes a useful eBook and a private forum for additional communications.

Sign up through link at: www. healthfreedomusa. org/?page_id=2002 – go to “How to Sign-up”

"Your papers must be in order."

Are your ingredients "grandfathered" under DSHEA?
Have you filed your Structure and Function Claims Notices?
Do you have your SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
Is your web site Site Use Statement up-to-date?
Is your Substantiation Notebook ready?

Your papers need to be in order before the FDA inspection!

Each Webinar includes its own useful eBook of forms and other information that will help you better organize (includes full powerpoint presentation text and resources). The new webinar system will also include Vital Connection forums specific to the participants in the webinar.


Ralph Fucetola JD
www .vitaminlawyer .com
http:// vitaminlawyerarchives .blogspot .com