Thursday, July 24, 2008

07/24/08 - Using Italics and Bold in Copy Writing

Vitamin Lawyer Update eMemo: July 24, 2008

This issue:

0. News Notes: The Valley of the Moon Eco Community
1. Using Italics and Bold in Copy
2. Web Ring and Wiki for Advanced Health Care
3. Professional Practice Record Keeping SOP Available

0. VL Blog and News Notes

Blog Update: http:// vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom .blogspot .com
US Takes Over Codex Commission Chair… agency consensus breaking…

Support Health Freedom: join the eAlert Newsletter at: www. HealthFreedomUSA .org

I’ve previously told you about The Valley of the Moon Eco Community, for investing, retiring or relocating off-shore in free and prosperous Panama. Please take a look at www. naturalsolutionsfoundation .org – there you will find links to The Valley of the Moon Eco Community information. Located in the beautiful, bountiful, temperate highlands of Chiriqui Province, this Natural Solutions Foundation (Panama) zero-emissions, off-the-grid community is built around the Songhai Principals of Passion, Perfection & Profitability. I am a trustee of the sponsoring private foundation. Tax deductible donations for this project are gratefully accepted.

We are also seeking high-yield, short term (6 month) Angel Loans to provide the balance of the purchase funds for the first “finca” (farm) being purchased in the Valley. Panama’s strong banking sector does not provide funds to purchase property, but, once owned, routinely loans 80% of the purchase price of agricultural land at very low interest. Initial participants have contributed the 20% and the land contract is about to be signed, so we are reaching out to all our contacts for the next step. Let me know if you are interested.

Remember to check out: www. naturalsolutionsfoundation .org if you might be interested. And I know you might be interested!

[Please note: all URL web page links in this email are incomplete, with the “http://” and/or “www.” removed and an extra space before the .com or .org, to avoid this message being treated as “spam” by AOL or other services.]

1. When to Use Italics and Bold in Copy
Entireweb Newsletter * July 24, 2008 * ISSUE #460

“…Roman type is the straightforward, upright type we read everyday in our newspapers, magazines and books, and on our monitors. Italic is the 'handwriting' equivalent of whatever roman font we are reading… Bold type is roman or italic font that has been emphasized by thickening and making it darker than the surrounding text.

The question is: when should we use which version of a particular typeface - roman, italic, or bold? … It is obvious that for most copy the roman version of the chosen font should be used. …

Because the bold version of a font makes text stand out strongly, it is used for highlighting important words, phrases and sections. Thus headlines, decks and subheads set in bold will, along with pull-quotes and other tricks of the typesetter's art, provide the casual scanner with clues as to what your article or story is all about…

Bold however is too strong to be used, except very occasionally, within body text. To set off words from surrounding text is the main function of italics.

…Here's a sort of check-list…

[1] The names of ships and aircraft… This is the oldest when-to-use-italics rule…
[2] The titles of poems...
[3] Foreign words…
[4] The titles of books, newspapers, articles and stories…
[5] Latin phrases used to classify living things...
[6] Where a word is used as an example rather than for its meaning…
[7] For introducing new terms…. This is a neat solution to highlighting words that will probably be explained later.
[8] For the subjects of definitions…
[9] For mathematical symbols…
[10] For emphasis…
[11] To indicate a character's internal reflections in stories…
[12] Using a letter or number as a noun…

Of course, you don't have to follow these when-to-use-italics rules. However most of them are in current use because they do aid reader comprehension….”

Paul D Kennedy - freelance writer of articles and stories - http:// www. writingservices. eu.
2. Web Ring and Wiki for Advanced Health Care

Yes, it is finally nearly here, after about a year of effort by a team of advanced Internet professionals. The ADVANCED HEALTH WEB RING and the ADVANCED HEALTH WIKI are now in the beta test stage.

You can get a sneak preview at: http:// healthcare-aware .com (for the Web Ring) and www .advancedhealthwiki .com (for the Wiki). Why do you want to know about these important innovations for nutritional and natural products purveyors, non-medical devices and advanced health care professionals, researchers, students and advocates?

Read Tim Bolen’s analysis of how “the other side took over” the Internet and you will understand why this initiative is so important. See: “The Six Components of the Quackbuster Operation” - http:// www .bolenreport .net/feature_articles/feature_article070.htm – learn how the skeptics, with their distorted views, outrank the best health care practitioners on major search engines.

Then you will understand this opportunity to take back the “high ground” of publicity for advanced health care (sometimes called “Complementary and Alternative Modalities – CAM)… and what this may mean for your company.

Within the next few weeks the Web Ring will be opened for membership. A near future issue of The Vitamin Lawyer Update will give you information on how to join. You will be among the first to have this opportunity. I have been telling a few of my clients, privately, about this important development… now you all know. And you found out first, here on the Vitamin Lawyer Update eMemo!

3. Codex Approves 35 Food Standards

The annual Codex Commission meeting just concluded in Geneva adopted 35 new food standards that may impact your businesses. These standards include, for example, sharply reducing the level of gluten allowed in “gluten free” products. You can read more at

Nutraingredients .com/news/ng.asp?n=86380&c=gbrnO2ewSG0lWhPfglxeag%3D%3D

My intrepid co-trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation – Gen. Bert Stubblebine and Dr. Rima Laibow – were in Geneva. You can read their comments, and see a series of “as it happened” video reports at: www .healthfreedomusa .org/index.php?p=726

4. Professional Practice SOPs

The Vitamin Lawyer .com Consultancy offers standardized formats for various Standard Operating Procedures – for companies in the nutritional and natural products industry, as well as for advanced health care “CAM practitioners. The Professional Practice Record Keeping SOP describes record keeping standards for the practitioner who provides nutrients and natural remedies to his or her clients.

You can see a list of the topics covered by the SOP at: http:// tinyurl. com/2eu6yj

If you would like a copy of the Professional Practice SOP, please send me an email with “PP-SOP” in the subject line; I charge ½ hour for this service.


Ralph Fucetola JD
www .vitaminlawyer .com
http:// vitaminlawyerarchives .blogspot .com